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December 1, 2021How to Choose The Safest Coworking Space in Mumbai During COVID-19?
As unlock 1.0 is underway we all are on a hunt to search for the safest coworking space in Mumbai. Before using a coworking space in today’s times we have to ask questions about the sanitization of the space, the precautionary measure and whether space can be trusted?
As your resident Coworking space, we’ve created a checklist for you to consider before choosing a coworking space in today’s times. This checklist will help you minimise the risk and help you find the safest coworking space in Mumbai.
Let’s get started!
The Checklist of Things to Consider Before Renting a Coworking Space in Mumbai
1. No-Contact Rule
As you may know, social distancing is of utmost importance. This cannot happen in cramped up office spaces. You should choose coworking spaces that have the options of individual cabins and desks. Preferably separate washrooms too.
2. Sanitization Checks
Today, before you choose a space you must enquire about the frequency and the process of sanitization of the workspace. Is the place completely sanitised at least once a day? It is important to understand how that department is handled. If anything, you cannot skip this point from the list.
3. Safe Conveniences
You can check whether a place has made it easy and convenient to stay safe. This can be done with, for instruments like no-touch sanitizer stands, hand wash in the washroom, safety mask rules etc.
4. Temperature Checks
Make sure daily temperature checks are done for anyone entering the office. This helps minimise the risk for others and helps in the early detection of the virus.
5. No to Gathering
One of the perks of coworking spaces is that they are beautiful spaces and have the opportunity to build connections with new people. However, as you may know, looking at the current situation some changes need to be made. Understand the rules of the coworking space against gatherings and the efficiency with which those rules are laid out. This will help you find a safe coworking space in Mumbai.
6. Informative Poster
Posters work not only share important information but also act as reminders for important information. If the coworking space has informative posters on their walls that will truly help build up the discipline of everyone using the space, thereby creating a safer work environment.
Co-working spaces need to adapt to the changing times. Before working at a coworking space you must check for these points.
Here Are Things That You Can do to Make Working at a Mumbai Coworking Space Safer.
1. Carry Your Own Food And Water
Though some coworking spaces provide the facility of food, avoid using it. It is much safer to bring your own food from home. Carry two one-litre water bottles of your own to minimise the risk.
2. Wear Your Mask
Your safety is in your hands. Learn to accept the new normal. There is no shame in wearing your mask and being safe during a pandemic. Wear your mask as regularly as possible unless you are alone in a safe environment.
To truly be safe understand your mask better. If it is a reusable mask, wash your mask every day after work. If it is a disposable mask, dispose of it after one time use. Be careful and vigilant about the hygiene of your mask.
3. Use Gloves
Wear a pair of gloves and use them to touch things that you cannot avoid touching. For example doors, buttons, keys, etc. Dispose of the gloves daily.
4. Personally Sanitize Your Desk, Chair and Area Before Working
Even if the coworking space provides sanitization services, you must personally take your safety in your own hands. Sanitize your desk, chair and area before working. This will not only give you peace of mind but will also help you stay safer.
5. Cancel Your Booking if You Feel Unwell
You aren’t alone in the need of a coworking space. It is important for several businesses to keep working. If you feel under the weather or feverish simply cancel the booking or postpone it. You must stay safe and help others avoid risks too.
6. Use a Sanitizer as Soon You Enter The office
This goes without saying, sanitize your hands after entering the coworking space and before leaving the coworking space. This will help you avoid spreading the virus and will help you stay safe.
7. Wash Your Clothes
Even after taking these precautions, you must put your clothes to wash as soon as you reach home. Please do not re-wear the same clothes as they may carry viruses.
8. Take a Bath
To minimize the risk of you spreading it to your family take a bath as soon as you reach home. This will definitely help you and your family stay safer. Take utmost care of your hygiene.
If you’re looking for a safe coworking space in Mumbai, Mumbai Coworking makes sure to follow the above pre-cautions and even provides individual cabin spaces. We aim to make our coworking spaces the safest coworking spaces in Mumbai. Check us out for a safe coworking space in Mumbai.