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March 16, 2017These days, there’s a tough competition between freelancing vs full time jobs. Having the security of monthly paychecks with a regular job, or being your own boss. That’s what freelancing is. Most of the youth is looking to start their own business or to work independently. On the other hand, companies too are looking to outsource projects with hopes of saving money. They would otherwise have to spend on resources to be employed in the organization on a monthly payroll. With these two factors combined, there’s hardly any reason left to prove why freelancing is better right now.
If you’re contemplating between freelancing vs full time jobs, here are a few reasons for you to jump on the bandwagon:
1) Experience
If freelancing entirely is not your thing, doing it while studying is a great way to gain experience. If you’ve pre decided to join an organization full-time, it’s a bonus to have some work experience on your resume. By the time you’ve graduated, your freelance projects will give you a strong portfolio leading to high salaries.
2) No Fixed Desk
Freelance projects give you the freedom to work on your own terms. Whether you wish to work out of a coffee shop on a particular day or stay in bed, it’s completely in your hands.
3) Flexible Timings
Clients working with freelancers usually do not think twice before calling during abnormal hours. But this is mostly because they know you work at any time you please, day or night. Prior commitments, sudden changes, unforeseeable situations will not affect your work in any way. You can just head home and finish your work at night.
4) No Office Policies
Another example of why freelancing is better is having no policies to follow. Apart from flexible working hours and no fixed location, there are also other advantages you have that a regular job won’t get you. Take dress code policies for example. Corporates would have you in formals, and startups, even with their freedom, would at least have you in decent tshirts and jeans (or leggings, if you’re into comfort like me). But as a freelancer, you could be working in anything, pyjama shorts, Powerpuff night dresses, and what not.
5) Being Your Own Boss
Though you’re working on projects for your clients, it’s very different than having to report to someone in an office. When it comes down to freelancing vs full time jobs, freelance projects give you the opportunity to build your own brand. You decide the kind of people you’d like to work with, and the kind of work you’d like to do. After a point, you will know exactly the type of clients you want. You’ll have the freedom to pick just those.
6) Multitasking & Time Management
Instead of working a single job, you can take up multiple freelance projects at a time. Multitasking will help you manage your time better. Apart from multiple projects at hand, you’ll also have to handle your personal life. This is where the art of juggling comes into play.
7) Learning Opportunities
The learning opportunities while freelancing are endless. Apart from time management and multitasking, there’s a lot for you to learn. With every project, you can work on and develop different skills. Since you’ll be landing clients by yourself, you’ll also gain expertise in negotiating.
8) Giving Yourself A Raise
Instead of doing the same thing for years and looking for a promotion, you can fluctuate your prices as and when you please. Once you’ve gained experience and skills in a particular thing, you can raise your costs for it. This is one of the major reasons why freelancing is better than a regular job.
9) Independence
From the day you choose to freelance, you will have to start getting clients for freelance projects independently. There are of course multiple ways to do so. You can start off by contacting everyone you know – your school friends, ex-colleagues, relatives, etc. Let them know you’re taking up freelancing and are available if they have any work.
Another way to go about this is to contact other freelancers. More specifically, ones that are not in the same field as you. They can help you out by connecting you with people they know who are looking out for someone who does what you do. In exchange, you can also connect them with people who approach you for something in their domain. For example, if you’re a writer but only write about fashion, you could get in touch with someone who writes about travel. Keep forwarding potential clients to each other. Growing your network and building strong connections will be profitable for your business.
Also, make an account for yourself on freelancing websites like behance and let people find you.
10) Vacations
Biggest highlight? You decide your own vacation days. Fed up of working day-in and day-out? Time for a holiday! While everyone is out there getting their leaves approved, all you have to do is fix your dates. Inform your clients that you’ll accept new projects post the date you come back and you’re all set to go! You can also choose to work on days when office-goers have holidays like Diwali, Eid, or Christmas if you don’t wish to celebrate. More revenue for you!
Success is the final stop people aim at, whatever route they pick. The war between freelancing vs full time jobs is never ending. At the end of the day, it’s really about your own preferences.
If you think I’ve missed out on any major points on why freelancing is better, let me know in the comment section below!
If you’re a freelancer looking for a coworking space, give us a call at +91 922 221 3191 or visit https://mumbaicoworking.com/ to book a free tour of Mumbai Coworking.